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- ORBIT V0.99, Copyright (c)© 1991 Lorenzo Zago
- This version of ORBIT comes in one lharc file:
- Orbit099.lzh
- If you have a hard disk, you should un-lharc it in you root
- directory (e.g. dh0:). A directory named "orbit" will be created.
- If you only have floppy drives, it is best to un-lharc in RAM: (about
- 1 MB is needed). Then format two disks and name them respectively
- OrbitDisk1: and OrbitDisk2: , then do
- > MakeDir OrbitDisk2:orbit2
- > Copy RAM:orbit/Orbit2/#? TO OrbitDisk2:orbit2 ALL
- > Delete RAM:orbit/Orbit2 ALL
- > Copy RAM:orbit OrbitDisk1: ALL
- Then put OrbitDisk1: in df0: and do
- > Install DRIVE df0:
- Reboot from OrbitDisk1: and enjoy.
- INTRODUCTION NOTES 22 September 1991
- This program was - negatively - inspired by the innumerable "space"
- adventures games available on personal computers.
- The near totality of these games would tend to give the impression
- that "driving" a space ship is not too different from a very performing
- racing car or, in the best cases, from a jet aircraft.
- Nothing could be farther from the truth. When I realised that nobody
- had ever thought to program a real space flight simulator, I started
- to program some routines describing orbital mechanics, some graphic
- interface, etc.
- The scope of the program became larger and larger, as I got more aware
- of the complexity of a simulation which would keep some pretense of
- realism. This is now a first result: a complex space flight simulator
- allowing to "travel" in the entire solar system.
- All types of orbits are realistically simulated. Perturbations by
- other mass bodies are taken into account, allowing a realistic
- simulation of interplanetary orbits and deep space trajectories
- Many different commands are available for orbit manoeuvres.
- The spacecraft which can be simulated include conventional
- propulsion units as well as future or science-fiction drives such
- as nuclear pulse and the fusion drive.
- The present major limitation of the program is the fact that the simulation
- considers space to be two-dimensional.
- This is obviously very distant from reality, but, considering that most
- objects in the solar system have orbit planes close to the ecliptic
- (Earth-Sun) plane, it still allows to simulate with some measure of realism
- many interplanetary journeys.
- As I mentioned above, a spacecraft is not driven like a car or an
- aircraft. One of many differences is that the pilot imperatively needs a
- board computer (or more likely, several) to figure out what to do.
- There the multitasking capability of the Amiga proved itself invaluable
- as it allowed to design a system in which one program would be the
- actual space flight simulator while several other independent programs
- constitute the "board computer" functions required for directing the
- spacecraft to its destination.
- The main program is written in AmigaBasic and compiled with AC-Basic 1.3.
- The "board computer" functions are in fact independent programs written in C.
- This software package is NOT in the public domain.
- Copyright and all rights are reserved by the author.
- The present version (ORBIT V0.99) is a beta version which may be
- distributed free of charge by an individual to another individual ONLY
- for evaluation and debugging purpose and as long as it is accompanied
- by this file and the entire and unmodified content of the 'orbit1' and
- 'orbit2' directories.
- This version of ORBIT may not be distributed for a fee nor as part of
- a public domain series, nor it may be advertized in any way without the
- written permission of the author.
- Inquiries are welcome: permission is generally given but I would like to
- be informed.
- For the time being, permission is given to put this software on free-access
- non-profit FTP or network servers only.
- I do not think that this software by itself could generate sufficient
- commercial interest (if I am wrong please tell me).
- However I can well imagine a book describing in an accessible-to-anyone
- way the main elements of orbit mechanics, space trajectories and
- present and future spacecraft systems, which INCLUDES this software,
- allowing the reader to (almost) literally "drive" hands-on through
- many examples: orbit manoeuvres, rendez-vous, Earth/Moon flights,
- interplanetary trajectories, planet fly-by, new propulsion systems
- (Orion, fusion drives, solar sails, etc.).
- I believe that if such a book was published with the proper introduction
- it could draw great interest.
- I have already written many texts which could be chapters of this book.
- If any publisher is interested, please e-mail or write me.
- The main program and the content of the 'orbit1:' and 'orbit2:' directories
- of the two distribution disks are FREEWARE, within the limitations
- specified in the previous paragraphs.
- However, registration of interested users is encouraged.
- Registered persons will be notified of new versions, and, if interested,
- may participate to the further development of the ORBIT software.
- Donations are not solicited but will be accepted and will be thanked with
- the following additional items:
- For a donation of 20 US$, or equivalent in other currency:
- - One complete update and notification of further ones.
- - More situation and spacecraft input files.
- - Supplementary documentation including:
- More tutorials:
- Journey to Ganymede (a Jupiter satellite) with a fusion drive spaceship.
- Description of file format for command sequences (scripts), useful for
- didactic demostrations.
- Description of all input file formats.
- For a donation of 50 US$, or equivalent in other currency:
- All items mentioned above plus:
- - All major updates for one year.
- - More tutorials:
- Apollo-type Moon/Earth trajectories;
- Voyager II fly-by of Jupiter.
- - C sources of all tool programs (the board computer functions), so that
- you can easily make new ones.
- - Description of all elements interfacing ORBIT (the simulator) with
- the tool programs.
- For a donation of 100 US$, or equivalent in other currency:
- All items mentioned above plus:
- - Source of the main ORBIT program (about 5000 AmigaBasic statements).
- The author's rights remain reserved.
- Cash is preferred but cheques from any bank are accepted.
- Read the Orbit.Installation file, in particular for installing ORBIT on
- the hard disk. File Orbit.install.floppy will help you to run ORBIT
- from floppy disks.
- ORBIT needs all the subdirectories and files found in the orbit1/ and
- orbit2/ directories.
- ORBIT also needs the arp, iff, mathieeedoub and my own orbit.library,
- some ARP commands and the ConMan console handler.
- Check the orbit.dist file for a list of all files required in the
- standard AmigaDos directories. If the program does not run, it is likely
- that something (a library, for instance) is missing somewhere.
- A basic set of documentation files is found in the orbit1/doc directory.
- You should print them for easier consultation.
- The same files can be read from the ORBIT HELP menu when running the program.
- Additional documentation will be sent to registered users.
- Once ORBIT is properly installed, just run the program and, at the
- file requester "Load Situation" load one of the files DEMO.orb,
- MoonJourney.orb or VoyagerIIstart.orb. These files will start an
- automatic command sequence which will let you observe respectively
- an orbital rendez-vous, an Apollo-type journey to the Moon and back,
- and the Jupiter fly-by of Voyager II.
- This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. The author accepts
- no responsibility for the usefulness or accuracy of this program.
- ORBIT includes a lot of tools, software modules and ideas taken from
- other PD programs.
- The following developers are gratefully acknowledged:
- - The ARP developers.
- - Helene (Lee) Taran for the pop-up menus used in the Command_Window module.
- - Nic Wilson for the SAM IFF sound file player.
- - The unknown author of the 'soundon' and 'soundoff' routines, found in
- the PD disk RW5 (with a criticism: 'soundoff' does not release the
- chip memory used).
- - William S. Hawes for Conman 1.3.
- - Commodore for the 'More' program.
- - Mike Meyer, for some code borrowed from his miniclock program.
- - Jonathan Potter for the Palette tool.
- I hope that I have not forgotten anyone or violated any of the authors'
- rights.
- Please send registrations, comments, suggestions, bug reports to:
- Lorenzo Zago
- Buergerplatz 18 Email
- D-8046 Garching UUCP: lzago@eso.uucp or eso!lzago
- Germany Internet: lzago@eso.org
- bitnet: lza@dgaeso51.bitnet
- span: eso::lza